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10 Best Questions To Revive Love

Posted by Leleyat Fleur on

Love is an emotion and feeling that everyone experiences at some point in their lives. Sometimes, people fall out of love with each other and need a way to get back into it.

Love makes everything better and gives us a sense of contentment. But what happens when love fades? What do you do to revive it? In this blog, we will explore ten questions that could at least help restore the love in any relationship.

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.”
― Martin Luther King Jr., A Testament of Hope: The Essential Writings and Speeches

1. What are your favorite memories of us together?

One thing you can ask your partner is about their favorite memories together, whether they involve friends or family members or just the two of you alone having fun on vacation somewhere.

If there was something extraordinary between them both, you could try recreating those moments again through similar activities like going for dinner or watching movies together.

If all else fails, use this as a chance to remind them of the good times you had with each other, and hopefully, they will be able to see how beautiful things were between you both before. Even if it is not possible for your relationship to work out again, at least these memories will remain in their hearts forever.

2. What is the best advice you’ve ever given me?

The best way to get your partner talking again is by asking them for advice on a problem you’re having. If they give you great advice, this will help remind them of how much they have always cared about your well-being and that their opinion matters in the relationship.

Even if it does not spark up any other conversations, just knowing that what they had to say was important enough for you to seek out can be something special between both of you.

3. What do you think is my greatest fear and yours?

Everyone has fears, whether it be in their relationships or jobs, that they are afraid to admit. This question will help you get your partner talking about things that could have been a source of disagreement between the both of you and open up a new way for communication.

Whatever these fears may be, it is essential to acknowledge them regardless of how trivial they might seem because once they realize there was something stopping them from discussing this with each other, then maybe next time around, it can be avoided before it’s too late.

4. When did you first feel like we were in love with each other?

At some point in time, both of you must have felt like the other person was truly special and valued them above everyone else. It may not necessarily be something that happened right away after meeting each other, but if your partner can remember this moment, then it will make them feel really nostalgic about how great things were between you two before.

If they cannot pinpoint a specific date or event, perhaps they might know an approximate timeframe to help with narrowing down those memories again. If all fails, ask for their first impressions when they saw you as more than just friends, which should trigger some good memories too.

5. How would you describe me to someone who doesn’t know me well?

This is a great way to help your partner start thinking about you in a new light again. If they describe their impression of who you are perfect, then it might be enough for them to realize what makes you so unique and different from anyone else, which could give the relationship another chance.

Even if this does not work out, simply knowing how much effort was put into describing everything that makes up your personality can make other things less stressful between you both too.

6. Is there anything that’s been bothering you lately, and what can I do about it?

It might seem and sound like a simple question, but the benefits of this one are really great. By asking your partner what is wrong, you’re giving them an opportunity to talk about it and perhaps even be heard by someone that they love, which can help relieve all those stressors weighing down on their minds lately.

If they cannot provide any specific details, then just knowing that something could have been bothering them can lighten up both your moods too.

7. What is one thing that you love about me?

This is the perfect question that will remind your partner of what made them fall in love with you. If they cannot provide an answer, it might be a good idea to simply ask why they fell for you, which could make them think about those special moments again.

Even if they do not mention anything, this can still give both of you some food for thought when trying to restart the relationship too! Just knowing how much effort was put into remembering even one or two things can help keep up their spirits during these challenging times ahead.

8. If I could give you anything, what would it be?

If your partner cannot think of anything, then it might be a good idea to ask them if they could give you something too. By asking what your biggest desire is, not only will this make them realize that their love for you is unconditional but also how much effort was put into finding out what would make you happy again, which can help rebuild the trust between each other as well.

If both of you stumble across an answer on the first try, just knowing how much work went into answering this question alone can strengthen those feelings inside and remind both parties why it’s worth trying again in the future.

9. What do you think of my family/friends?

If your partner cannot answer this question, it might be a good idea to ask them what their impression of your family and friends is like. If they think that these people are great for you, then the next step would be to ask why, which could help remind them about all those fun times with both families again.

At the end of the day, it’s about making time for your relationship. Even if they don’t know what to say, at least knowing how much effort was put into considering everyone else can make up for a lost time. Just knowing that someone out there cares enough to take notice alone will go a long way in making things better between you two soon enough.

10. What are your dreams for the future?

This is perhaps the most crucial question that will help your partner reflect on what their goals are in life. By asking them to describe what they want out of life, you’re giving them an opportunity to think about how much effort was put into finding someone who would support both dreams again, which could be all it takes for this relationship to go places once more.

Even if these questions do not lead anywhere special soon enough, just knowing how far one person has gone to salvage a broken love alone can make up for lost time and give both parties something positive to look forward to instead.

“Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.”
― Lao Tzu

Quick recap

1. What are your favorite memories of us together?

2. What is the best advice you’ve ever given me?

3. What do you think is my greatest fear and yours?

4. When did you first feel like we were in love with each other?

5. How would you describe me to someone who doesn’t know me well?

6. Is there anything that’s been bothering you lately, and what can I do about it?

7. What is one thing that you love about me?

8. If I could give you anything, what would it be?

9. What do you think of my family/friends?

10. What are your dreams for the future?

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