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The Importance of Mothers

Posted by Leleyat Fleur on

Besides the life they give us, mothers impact our lives in profound ways that we carry with us the rest of our lives. In honor of the upcoming Mother's Day celebration we have put together a list of 4 reasons that mom's are so very important. 

1. Mothers are our first protectors. From the pain of a boo-boo to the bully on the school playground, mom is your first safe base in the world and even the calmest mom can turn into the fiercest bear when her baby is threatened. 

2. Mom's are a judgement free zone. When we couldn't turn to our friends and dad was too scary to approach, mom was there. You can tell her the worst things about yourself and you know they still love you with all their heart. 

3. Mom's willingly sacrifice body and soul for their babies. Starting with the mental and physical changes of pregnancy, to the all-nighters with a sick toddler- mom's push through on sheer love on determination.

4. Mom is our first teacher. From our first steps to learning to drive a car, mom is your biggest cheerleader there to watch a first wobbly step turn into a strong run. 

Moms are here to nurture and guide us. Make mom feel appreciated with a beautiful long lasting arrangement of forever roses

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